Hennessy Pure White Cognac 700ml
Hennessy Pure White Cognac is one of our bestsellers and the most exquisite cognacs available today. Its distillation process uses deep pot stills to extract maximum flavor from the finest grapes. The resulting blend is then aged in oak barrels for at least 2 years.
The end result is an extremely smooth and complex drink that’s perfect for sipping after dinner or as an after-dinner treat.
A grade of cognac by appearance, character and taste.
Hennessy Pure White Cognac 700ml is a quality grade of cognac by appearance, character and taste. It is produced from grapes grown in the Grande Champagne region of France, where the soil and climate are perfect for growing fine grapes.
Hennessy’s master distillers take great care to select only the best grapes for their Cognacs, ensuring they are of consistently high quality. Hennessy Pure White Cognac 700ml contains no added colouring or flavouring.
It’s very smooth, mellow, easy drinking and goes down easy.
This is a smooth, mellow, easy-drinking spirit that goes down easy. That’s because it’s made from a blend of eaux-de-vie distilled from grapes sourced in France’s Cognac region and aged in oak casks for at least two years. It’s clear in color, and has notes of honey, vanilla, and citrus on the nose.
It’s great as an after-dinner drink when you want something that won’t knock you over with flavor—or if you’re looking for an alternative to whiskey or other brown liquors.
Pure and clear, it contains the remarkable finesse of Hennessy Cognac
This Hennessy Pure White Cognac is a pure, clear spirit that contains the remarkable finesse of Hennessy Cognac. It’s made from 100% grapes that have been distilled twice, and then aged for at least 2 years in oak casks. This makes it a perfect choice for those who are seeking a smooth and refined cognac that is easy to drink, yet still full of flavor.
You can enjoy this drink neat or with ice, or mix it into your favorite cocktails!
Hennessy Pure White is the perfect addition to any bar. It’s smooth, it’s light and it’s a great way to kick back with friends or family. It’s an excellent gift for those who enjoy drinking cognac, but are looking for something a little less intense than their usual favorite.